Inspiring Families
Supporting families by helping them teach their children how to understand, express, and self-regulate emotions.
Virtual Connection Corner
Geraldine Wynn is offering monthly virtual connections for families to have a space to find solutions to common behaviors for children 6 weeks to 8 years of age.
About HER
Her resume consists of being a mother of 4 adults. 20-plus years as a trainer, mentor, and coach. 20 plus years in management, and 16 years in Early Childhood Education. She has her BA in Early Childhood Administration and Master's in Special Education and is currently a Ph. D. candidate in Organizational Leadership Development specializing in E-training. With her love and passion for the community, she is here to serve you in being the best that you can be.
Contact her for more information if you are interested in joining the monthly "Connection Corner".

Preschool to Prison Pipeline
Data from the 2016 National Survey of Children’s Health found that 50,000 preschoolers were suspended at least once, and another 17,000 were expelled. On average, that means that 250 preschoolers are expelled or suspended every school day (Malik., 2017).
The virtual monthly "Connection Coner" will help families understand how the system works against them and let them know they are not alone. We look forward to connecting with you.